TL;DR – I changed job and this will not affect ongoing maint. of anything Horde
I spent almost my whole work life with a single employer. It was quite a trip. I was part of it as a company grew from a hand full of guys into fifty, then hundred and ever more. I saw how structures developed, how people grew with their tasks and how a brand recognition built. It was a great time and I took advantage of all the opportunities and challenges that came along with it. How many places I traveled. The excitement of speaking at conferences, being a trainer, leading teams, designing architectures.
But after almost 15 years I am at a point where things need to change. Family is a priority now in a different way. Home has a different meaning. I needed a clean break. A few days ago I started a new job with one of Europe’s most relevant software companies. So far everything is shiny and new – I like it.
A little change comes along with it, too. Work life will not involve anything PHP or Horde anymore. There is this new, clear distinction between these things I do for fun or out of private interest on the one hand and earning money on the other. You cannot hire me for freelance work.
Nobody needs to worry. The Maintaina Horde fork is not going away. Development work on PHP 8.1 compatibility and features has not stopped.
Commercial Horde support at B1 Systems will still be around. I had the pleasure to work with an excellent team and that team is well capable of keeping up the expected quality and response times.
If you need any work done for hire, contact that company.
It’s an exciting summer after a pandemic winter. I will possibly take some weeks outside of mailing lists and bug reports to concentrate on things I must do now and things I like to do now. This is going to be fun. Stay tuned for updates.