bookmark_borderPHP: Tentative Return Types

PHP 8.1 has introduced tentative return types. This can make older code spit out warnings like mad.
Let’s examine what it means and how to deal with it.

PHP 8.1 Warnings that will become syntax errors by PHP 9

PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.1 have introduced a lot of parameter types and return types to builtin classes that previously did not have types in their signatures. This would make any class extending builtin classes or implementing builtin interface break for the new PHP versions if they did not have the return type specified and would create interesting breaks on older PHP versions.

Remember the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Objects of a parent class can be replaced by objects of the child class. For this to work, several conditions must be met:

  • Return types must be covariant, meaning the same as the parent’s return type or a more specific sub type. If the parent class guarantees to return an iterable then the child class must guarantee an iterable or something more specific, i.e. an ArrayObject or a MyFooList (implements an iterable type).
  • Parameter types must be contravariant, meaning they must allow all parameters the parent would allow, and can possibly allow a wider set of inputs. The child class cannot un-allow anything the parent would accept.
  • Exceptions are often forgotten: Barbara Liskov‘s work implies that Exceptions thrown by a subtype must be the same type as exceptions of the parent type. This allows for child exceptions or wrapping unrelated exceptions into related types.
  • There are some more expectations on the behaviour and semantics of derived classes which usually are ignored by many novice and intermediate programmers and sadly also some senior architects.

Historically, PHP was very lax about any of these requirements. PHP 4 brought classes and some limited inheritance, PHP 5 brought private and protected methods and properties, a new type of constructor and some very limited type system for arrays and classes. PHP 7 and 8 brought union types, intersection types, return type declaration and primitive types (int, string) along with the strict mode. Each version introduced some more constraints on inheritance in the spirit of LSP and gave us the traits feature to keep us from abusing inheritance for language assisted copy/paste. Each version also came with some subtle exceptions from LSP rules to allow backward compatibility, at least for the time being.

In parallel to return types, a lot of internal classes have changed from returning bare PHP resources to actual classes. Library code usually hides these differences and can be upgraded to work with either, depending on which PHP version they run. However, libraries that extend internal classes rather than wrapping them are facing some issues.

PHP’s solution was to make the return type tentative. Extending classes are supposed to declare compatible return types. Incompatible return types are a syntax error just like in a normal user class. Missing return types, no declaration at all, however, are handled more gracefully. Before PHP 8.1, they were silently ignored. Starting in PHP 8.1 they still work as before, but emit a deprecation notice to PHP’s error output, usually a logfile or the systemd journal. Starting in PHP 9 they will be turned into regular syntax errors.

Why is this good?

Adding types to internal classes helps developers use return values more correctly. Modern editors and IDEs like Visual Studio Code or PhpStorm are aware of class signatures and can inform the users about the intended types just as they write the code. Static analysis tools recognize types and signatures as well as some special comments (phpdoc) and can give insight into more subtle edge cases. One such utility is PHPStan. All together they allow us to be more productive, write more robust code with less bugs of the trivial and not so trivial types. This frees us from being super smart on the technical level or hunting down inexplicable, hard to reproduce issues. We can use this saved time and effort to be smarter on the conceptual level: This is where features grow, this is where most performance is usually won and lost.

Why is this bad?

Change is inevitable. Change is usually for the better, even if we don’t see it at first. However, change brings maintenance burden. In the past, Linux distributions often shipped well-tested but old PHP versions to begin with and release cycles, especially in the enterprise environment, were quite long. Developers would have had to write code that would run on the most recent PHP as well as versions released many years ago. Administrators would frown upon developers who always wanted the latest, greatest versions for their silly PHP toys. Real men use Perl anyway. But this has changed a lot. Developers and administrators now coexist peacefully in DevOps teams, CI pipelines bundle OS components, PHP and the latest application code into container images. Containers are bundled into deployments and somebody out there on the internet consumes these bundles with a shell oneliner or a click in some UI and expects a whole zoo of software to start up and cooperate. Things are moving much faster now. The larger the code base you own, the more time you spend on technically boring conversion work. You can be lucky and leverage a lot of external code. The downside is you are now caught in the intersection between PHP’s release cycle and the external code developer’s release cycles – the more vendors the more components that must be kept in sync. PHP 9 is far away but the time window for these technical changes can be more narrow than you think. After all, you have to deliver features and keep up with subtle changes in the behaviour and API of databases, consumed external services, key/value stores and so on. Just keeping a larger piece of software running in a changing and diverse environment is actually hard work. Let’s look at the available options.

How to silence it – Without breaking PHP 5

You can leverage a new attribute introduced in PHP 8.1 – just add it to your code base right above the method. It signals to PHP that it should not emit a notice about the mismatch.

class Horde_Ancient_ArrayType implements ArrayAccess {
     * @return bool PHP 8.1 would require a bool return time 
    public function offsetExists(mixed $offset) {
        // Implementation here

Older PHP that does not know this attribute would just read it as a comment. Hash style comments have been around for long and while most style guides avoid them, they are enabled in all modern PHP versions. This approach will work fine until PHP 9.

How to fix it properly – Be safe for upcoming PHP 9

The obvious way forward is to just change the signature of your extending class.

class Horde_Ancient_ArrayType implements ArrayAccess {
    public function offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool {
        // Implementation here

The change itself is simple enough. If your class is part of a wider type hierarchy, you will need to update all downstream inheriting classes as well. If you like to, you can also reduce checking code on the receiving side that previously guarded against unexpected input or just satisfied your static analyzer.
Tools like rector can help you mastering such tedious upgrade work over a large code base though they require non-trivial time to properly configure them for your specific needs. There are experts out there who can do this for you if you like to hire professional services – but don’t ask me please.

$exists = isset($ancient['element1']);
// No longer necessary - never mind the silly example
if (!is_bool($exists)) {
    throw new Horde_Exception("Some issue or other");

Doing nothing is OK – For now

In many situations, reacting at all is a choice and not doing anything is a sane alternative. As always, it depends. You are planning a major refactoring, replace larger parts of code with a new library or major revision? Your customer has signaled he might move away from the code base? Don’t invest.

My approach for the maintaina-com code base

The maintaina-com github organization holds a fork of the Horde groupware and framework. With over 100 libraries and applications to maintain, it is a good example. While end users likely won’t see the difference, the code base is adapted for modern PHP versions, more recent major versions of external libraries, databases, composer as an installer and autoloader. Newer bits of code support the PHP-FIG standards from PSR-3 Logging to PSR-18 HTTP Client. Older pieces show their age in design and implementation. Exactly the amount of change described above makes it hard to merge back changes into the official horde builds – this is an ongoing effort. Changes from upstream horde are integrated as soon as possible.

I approach signature upgrades and other such tasks by grouping code in three categories:

  • Traditional code lives in /lib and follows a coding convention largely founded on PHP 5.x idioms, PSR-0 autoloading, PSR-1/PSR-2 guidelines with some exceptions. This code is mostly unnamespaced, some of it traces back into PHP 4 times. Coverage with unit tests is mostly good for libraries and lacking for applications. Some of this is just wrapping more modern implementations for consumption by older code, hiding incompatible improvements. This is where I adopt attributes when upstream does or when I happen to touch code but I make no active effort.
  • More modern code in /src follows PSR-4 autoloading, namespaces, PSR-12 coding standards, modern signatures and features to an increasing degree. This generally MUST run on PHP 7.4 and SHOULD run on recent PHP releases. This is where I actively pursue forward compatibility. Unit tests usually get a facelift to these standards and PHPStan coverage in a systematic fashion.
  • Glue code, utility code and interfaces are touched in a pragmatic fashion. Major rewrites come with updated standards and approaches, minor updates mostly ensure compatibility with the ever changing ecosystem.

If you maintain a large code base, you are likely know your own tradeoffs, the efforts you keep postponing in favour of more interesting or more urgent work until you have to. Your strategy might be different, porting everything to a certain baseline standard before approaching the next angle maybe. There is no right or wrong as long as it works for you.

bookmark_borderHorde Installer: Recent Changes

The maintaina-com/horde-installer-plugin has seen a few changes lately. This piece is run on every composer install or update in a horde installation. A bug in it can easily break everything from CI pipelines to new horde installations and it is quite time consuming to debug. I usually try to limit changes.

Two codebases merged

In the 2.3.0 release of November 2021 I added a new custom command horde-reconfigure which does all the background magic of looking up or creating config snippets and linking them to the appropriate places, linking javascript from addon packages to web-readable locations and so on. This is essentially the same as the installer plugin does but on demand. A user can run this when he has added new config files to an existing installation. Unfortunately the runtime environment of the installer plugin and the custom command are very different in terms of available IO, known paths and details about the package. I took the opportunity to clean up code, refactor and rethink some parts to do the same things but in a more comprehensible way. As I was aware of the risks I decided to leave the original installer untouched. I got some feedback and used it myself. It seemed to work well enough.

For the 2.4.0 release I decided to finally rebase the installer onto the command codebase and get rid of the older code. It turned out that the reconfigure command was lacking some details which are important in the install use case. Nobody ever complained because these settings are usually not changed/deleted outside install/update phase. As of v2.4.4 the installer is feature complete again.

New behaviour in v2.4

The installer has been moved from the install/update phase to the autoload-dump phase. It will now process the installation as a whole rather than one library at a time. This simplifies things a lot.reviously, the installer ran for each installed package and potentially did a few procedures multiple times. Both the installer and the horde-reconfigure command will now issue some output to the console about their operation and they will process the installation only once with the updated autoloader already configured. The changes will now also apply on removal of packages or on other operations which require a rewrite of the autoloader. The registry snippets now include comments explaining that they are autogenerated and how to override the autoconfigured values.

Outlook to 2.5 or 3.0

The composer API has improved over the last year. We need to be reasonably conservative to support OS distribution packaged older versions of composer. At some point in the future however I want to have a look at using composer for simplifying life

  • Improve Theme handling: Listing themes and their scope (global and app specific), setting default theme of an installation
  • Turning a regular installation into a development setup for specific libraries or apps
  • Properly registering local packages into composer’s package registry and autoloader (useful for distribution package handling).

Both composer’s native APIs and the installer plugin can support improving a horde admin’s or developer’s life:

  • Make horde’s own “test” utility leverage composer to show which optional packages are needed for which drivers or configurations
  • Expose some obvious installation health issues on the CLI.
  • Only expose options in the config UI which are supported by current PHP extensions and installed libraries
  • Expose a check if a database schema upgrade is needed after a composer operation, both human readable and machine consumable. This should not autorun.

The actual feature code may be implemented in separate libraries and out of scope for the installer itself. As a rule, horde is supposed to be executable without composer but this is moving out of focus more and more.

bookmark_borderMaintaina/Horde UTF-8 on PHP 8

On recent OS distributions, two conflicting changes can bring trouble.

MariaDB refuses connections with ‘utf-8’ encoding

Recent MariaDB does not like the $conf[‘sql’][‘charset’] default value of ‘utf-8’. It runs fine if you change to the more precise ‘utf8mb4’ encoding. This is what recent MySQL understands to be ‘utf-8’. You could also use ‘utf8mb3’ but this won’t serve modern users very well. The ‘utf8m3’ value is what older MariaDB and MySQL internally used when the user told it to use ‘utf-8’. But this character set supports only a subset of unicode, missing much-used icons like โ˜‘โ˜โœ”โœˆ๐Ÿ›ณ๐Ÿš—โšกโ…€ which might be used anywhere from calendar events sent out by travel agencies to todos or notes users try to save from copy/pasted other documents.

I have changed the sample deployment code to use utf8mb4 as the predefined config value.

Shares SQL driver does not understand DB-native charsets

The Shares SQL driver does some sanitation and conversion when reading from DB or writing to DB. The conversion code does not understand DB native encodings like “utf8mb4”. I have applied a patch to the share library that would detect and fix this case but I am not satisfied with this solution. First, this issue is bound to pop up in more places and I wouldn’t like to have this code in multiple places. Either the DB abstraction library horde/db or the string conversion library in horde/util should provide a go-to solution for mapping/sanitizing charset names. Any library using the config value should know that it needs to be sanitized but should not be burdened with the details. I need to follow up on this.


See for a possible generalized solution.

bookmark_borderA new phase in life

TL;DR – I changed job and this will not affect ongoing maint. of anything Horde

I spent almost my whole work life with a single employer. It was quite a trip. I was part of it as a company grew from a hand full of guys into fifty, then hundred and ever more. I saw how structures developed, how people grew with their tasks and how a brand recognition built. It was a great time and I took advantage of all the opportunities and challenges that came along with it. How many places I traveled. The excitement of speaking at conferences, being a trainer, leading teams, designing architectures.

But after almost 15 years I am at a point where things need to change. Family is a priority now in a different way. Home has a different meaning. I needed a clean break. A few days ago I started a new job with one of Europe’s most relevant software companies. So far everything is shiny and new – I like it.

A little change comes along with it, too. Work life will not involve anything PHP or Horde anymore. There is this new, clear distinction between these things I do for fun or out of private interest on the one hand and earning money on the other. You cannot hire me for freelance work.

Nobody needs to worry. The Maintaina Horde fork is not going away. Development work on PHP 8.1 compatibility and features has not stopped.

Commercial Horde support at B1 Systems will still be around. I had the pleasure to work with an excellent team and that team is well capable of keeping up the expected quality and response times.
If you need any work done for hire, contact that company.

It’s an exciting summer after a pandemic winter. I will possibly take some weeks outside of mailing lists and bug reports to concentrate on things I must do now and things I like to do now. This is going to be fun. Stay tuned for updates.

bookmark_borderNet_DNS2 PHP 8.x compat issue

TLDR: When using horde/mail_autoconfig or other features using pear/net_dns2 under PHP 8.x, use the “master” branch or wait for a release of version 1.5.3 or higher.

While upgrading the Maintaina Horde codebase for PHP 8.1, I stumbled upon a problem:

[Sun May 15 12:15:15.026499 2022] [php:error] [pid 156] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ValueError: fread(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 in /srv/www/horde/vendor/pear/net_dns2/Net/DNS2/Cache/File.php:147\nStack trace:\n#0 /srv/www/horde/vendor/pear/net_dns2/Net/DNS2/Cache/File.php(147): fread()\n#1 [internal function]: Net_DNS2_Cache_File->__destruct()\n#2 {main}\n  thrown in /srv/www/horde/vendor/pear/net_dns2/Net/DNS2/Cache/File.php on line 147, referer: http://localhost/horde/admin/config/config.php

It turns out Net_DNS2 as of latest version 1.5.2 has a problem in its filesystem cache when run under PHP 8.x – it tries to read the cache file content even if the file size is 0 or the file does not yet exist. In PHP 8.x this yields a ValueError because reading with a length 0 should not be attempted.

Mike Pultz, the maintainer of Net_DNS2 already has a fix in his master branch. I have kindly asked him to release a stable version with this fix. However I understand it may take a while or may not be very high on the daily priority list of todos. I am not sure what other changes the master branch contains which might impair its usefulness to your use case. I am hesitant to put work into a problem somebody else already fixed. I will only provide a downstream-packaged version in case no update happens within reasonable time.

bookmark_borderSimplifying Routing / PSR-15 bootstrap in Horde

As you might remember from a previous post, Horde Core’s design is more complex than necessary or desirable for two main reasons:

  • Horde predates today’s standards like the Composer Autoloader and tries to solve problems on its own. Changing that will impair Horde’s ability to run without composer which we were hesitant to do, focusing on not breaking things previously possible.
  • Horde is highly flexible, extensible and configurable, which creates some chicken-egg problems to solve on each and every call to any endpoint inside a given app.

Today’s article concentrates on the latter problem. More precisely, we want to make routing more straight forward when a route is called.

A typical standalone or monolithic app usually is a composer root package. It knows its location relative to the autoloader, relative to the dependencies and relative to the fileroot of the composer installation. Moreover, the program usually knows about all its available routes. It will also have some builtin valid assumptions about how its different parts’ routes relate to the webroot.
None of this is true with a typical composer-based horde installation.

  • None of the apps is the root package
  • Apps are exposed to a web-readable subdir of the root package
  • While the relative filesystem location is known, each app can live in a separate subdomain, in the webroot or somewhere down the tree
  • Each app may reconfigure its template path, js path, themes path
  • The composer installer plugin makes a sane default. This default can be overridden
  • Each app can be served through multiple domains / vhosts with different registry and config settings in the same installation
  • Administrators can add local override routes
  • Parts of the code base rely on horde’s own runtime-configurable autoloader rather than composer.

This creates a lot of necessary complexity. The router needs to know the possible routes before it can map a request. To have the routes, the context described above must be established. Complexity cannot be removed without reducing flexibility. There is, however, a way out. The routing problem can be divided into three phases with different problems:

  • Development time – when routes are defined and changed frequently for a given app or service
  • Installation/Configuration time – when the administrator decides which apps’ routes will be available for your specific installation
  • Runtime – when a request comes in and the router must decide which route of which app needs to react – or none at all

Let’s ignore development time for now. It is just a complication of the other two cases. The design goal is to make runtime lean and simple. Runtime should initialize what the current route needs to work and as little as possible on top of that. Runtime needs to know all the routes and a minimal setup to make the router work. Complexity needs to be offloaded into installation time. Installation time needs to create a format of definite routes that runtime can process without a lot of setup and processing. As a side effect, we can gain speed for each individual call.

Modern Autoloaders are similar in concept: They have a setup stage where all known autoloader rules of the different packages are collected. In composer, the autoloader is re-collected in each installation or update process. The autoloader is exposed through a well-known location relative to the root package, vendor/autoload.php – it can be consumed by the application without further runtime setup. The autoloader can be optimized further by processing the autoloading rules into a fixed map of classes to filenames (Level 1), making these maps authoritative without an attempt to fail over on misses (Level 2a) and finally caching hits and misses into the in-memory APCu opcache. Each optimization process makes the lookup faster. This comes at the cost of flexibility. The mapping must be re-done whenever the installation changes. Otherwise things will fail. This is OK for production but it gets in the way of development. The same is true for the router.

The best optimization relies on the application code and configuration being static. The list of routes needs to be refreshed on change. Code updates are run through composer. The composer installer plugin can automatically refresh the router. Configuration updates can happen either through the horde web ui or through adding/editing files into the configuration area. Admins already know they need to run the composer horde-reconfigure command after they added new config files or removed files. Now they also need to run it when they changed file content. In development, routing information may change on the fly multiple times per hour. Offering a less optimized, more involved version of this route collection stage can help address the problem.

A new version of the RampageBootstrap codebase in horde/core is currently in development. It will offload more of horde’s early initialisation stages into a firmware stack and will reduce the early initialisation to the bare minimum. At the moment, I am still figuring out how we can do this in a backward compatible way.

bookmark_borderMaking horde/core more versatile

Hello, you may have seen my blog go quiet for a while. After two years of a global pandemic, I decided to take some more time with my family and also offload some knowledge and responsibilities around the Maintaina Horde codebase to my fellow team members at B1 Systems. I also took some time considering some very fundamental Horde design implications. One of these is horde/core.

You can use the Horde Framework and its libraries in two different styles. The first style I would call loosely coupled. Most libraries try to depend on as few as possible other horde libraries and concentrate on specific purposes. That makes them reusable outside of the wider context of the framework. For example, the backend for Michael Rubinsky’s blog uses the Horde Router, the Horde Controller library and the Horde Injector DIC as a kind of micro framework without much supporting code. A custom binder simulates setup of view paths normally performed by a horde environment.

The alternative is the “horde app” use case or tightly integrated use case. Your site will have a horde base app providing common capabilities and one or multiple modules or horde apps. They integrate with a framework-generated topbar, can use an inter-app API, react to a common styling choice etc. Developers benefit from being able to reuse solutions for preference storage and UI, configuration, permissions, user groups, predefined callbacks for webdav, rpc, language and presentation handling etc. This is all great if you just want to build some addon to your Horde Groupware installation. In other cases, Horde’s base does a lot of stuff you do not really need or want. I want to change that.

The horde/core library started out as a spinoff off the horde base app. It contains a lot of glue for putting together backends, drivers, config files, caches and it also provides base classes needed by the horde applications. The horde base app contains the endpoints for RPC, route-based UI, webdav, caldav. It also contains a micro bootstrapping file called horde/lib/core.php. This file installs an error handler, sets up some basic PHP sanity stuff, does some magic around Horde’s own autoloader, defines some constants and hooks into horde/config/horde.local.php, allowing the admin to inject some early-init custom magic. Our horde-installer-plugin for composer makes use of this hook to setup the composer autoloader (and some more constants) in a backward compatible way.

I think, outside of support for old-style code bases, none of this should happen. But our current implementation of the controller framework still depends on that magic and uses code in horde/core which also depends on it. In pre-composer environments, horde needs some tricks to find out basic facts about where it is, where everything else is, how to setup autoloading etc. In modern environments, we should neither pollute the global namespace with constants and global variables nor should we have an involved, tightly coupled setup process way before we even look at the app and route called for. We need to reorder how and when things are done.

Both developers and runtime operators benefit from this redesign. Developers can reduce boilerplate when relying on much, but not all of the Horde Framework and not exactly building a module for a horde installation. They are less entangled in conventions which do not make sense anymore. Operators will notice a lower memory, i/o and computation footprint, resulting in higher speed. This is because we throw out a lot of overhead unrelated to the current call. In the old setup we even created an IMAP connection when the current user was forbidden to use the mail component and the screen shown was for changing passwords or handling preferences. Yes, even when downloading an addressbook you would have triggered and IMAP connection handshake. We do not need that and by now, we have to tools to avoid it.

Stay tuned for more details in upcoming articles.

bookmark_borderPHP 8 Horde (Maintaina)

Over the next few days, all Horde libraries and apps in the maintaina-com organization will be whitelisted for PHP 8x. in their FRAMEWORK_6_0 branch development versions. One next step will be a flavour of the OpenSUSE based containers and deployments which runs off PHP 8.0. While some few libraries have been enabled for PHP 8, it is almost certain that horde as a whole will not run correctly. Main culprits are the horde/rpc and horde/form packages and their user code, but there are some other ugly places that need attention.

Development Baseline at 7.4

Code in the maintaina-com repo will stay compatible with PHP 7.4 – at least for the time being. Decisions at Horde LLC may override that at some point or time may just march on. PHP 7.4 has been released two years ago, has ended active support 20 days ago and will be EOLed for upstream security support on November 28th 2022 – roughly 11 months to go. Linux distributions have a tradition to follow their own schedules and backport security fixes. OpenSUSE LEAP 15.3 ships with PHP 7.4 while openSUSE Tumbleweed has switched to PHP 8.0.13 – with PHP 8.1 versions becoming available from official repos soon.

This is a tough decision as PHP 8 and 8.1 have some really interesting features which would allow us to develop more elegant, more readable and more efficient code. For software that is not intended for this audience, I will immediately allow using 8.x-only features as soon as we are confident with Horde’s compatibility. This is going to be a major theme of January and possibly February.

No need to switch right now

If you are running Horde as of master branches or maintaina-com FRAMEWORK_6_0 branches off PHP 7.4, you should NOT switch right now. We will announce once we think any leftover issues are minor enough for an acceptable early adopter experience.

No particular love for 8.0.x

There is no guarantee our runtime will stay fixed at 8.0. PHP 8.1 offers a lot of new features and a considerable performance boost for some relevant scenarios. While making Maintaina Horde work with 8.x on a 7.4 feature baseline is the first step, the logical next step is upgrading feature baseline to 8.1 or higher. This will be much less of a problem if we get an official Horde 6 release in the meantime and users can choose between a properly conservative release version and a more adventurous Maintaina version. This is not something I have under control though. Horde LLC do as they find appropriate and sustainable and for many users, there is little reason to choose Maintaina over the official releases once we have a Horde 6 version that properly runs on recent PHP and supports Composer out of the box. I am perfectly fine with that and looking forward to it. I will always assist with a migration path as far as I can afford to.

Time is Money, Money buys Time

If you have an urgent commercial interest in a PHP 8-ready Horde version, you really do not want to rely on Maintaina’s timelines and priorities which may be subject to change. You will need to spend money. Approach somebody to do it for you, either Horde LLC or the company I work for, B1 Systems GmbH – both are formidable places to look for Horde-experienced development resources.

Update 2021-12-18 21:00 CET

I just ran the update to the metadata as a mass operation for everything which contains a .horde.yml file – the rest will have to wait until I stumble across it. I leveraged an edited version of horde/git-tools, some bash magic, some mass editing in vscode using their regex tool and some manual fixing.

  • All packages now formally require “php”: “^7.4 || ^8”
  • If horde-installer-plugin is required, I now go for “^2 || dev-FRAMEWORK_6_0” – however in maintaina-com/Core, I have a job that rebuilds composer.json on commit and this job showed me that the components tool needs an update in this aspect.
  • SPDX license code warnings for LGPL and GPL versions have been remedied to LGPL-2.0-only, LGPL-3.0-only, GPL-3.0-only each
  • Added the CI workflow where missing. Mostly it will fail until further editing. This is intentional.
  • I did NOT unify all versions of CI workflow as some deviations are intentional. I did however unify PHP versions for the unit tests to “7.4”, “8.0” and “latest” and I did unify phpunit versions to “9.5” and “latest”.
  • Unified/added the phpdoc workflow and the update-satis workflow as we had multiple versions for no good reason. I have settled for a version of the phpdoc job that will scan lib/, src/ and app/ if they exist
  • Cleaned up a lot of metadata mess in the Kolab related packages.
  • Removed some version: tags from composer.json files
  • Removed the optional pear dependency of imp for the ASN1 implementation from phpseclib – need to look for a proper composer-ready and less outdated replacement.

While the mass changes themselves seem to have gone right, the resulting avalanche of CI jobs showed some issues:

  • phpdoc job and update-satis job fail if they run in parallel and the satis repo content has changed since checkout. Either give the push commands in the loop a minute to wait each time or make the job smarter about handling these clashes. Still, failing is better than silently overwriting content
  • Having so many versions of the CI job is not maintainable. Need to factor out the boilerplate into an action, make version requirements a config variable with a builtin default and have some mechanism for there rare cases where extra software is needed for meaningful QA, i.e. database and storage related items.
  • After getting this migration done, upgrading the git-tools utility may be an interesting exercise in PHP 8 and PHPStan.
  • I may have created unnecessary conflicts with some open pull requests. Sorry, contributors. I will improve.

bookmark_borderHorde/Log Rewrite goes PSR-3

I have rewritten Horde/Log based on the PSR-3 Logging standard published by PHP-FIG.


It had to been done at some point. The current wave of Corona pandemic has cancelled some joyful other activities planned for this weekend and I had been looking into PSR-3 loggers for quite some time. Most importantly, I wanted to do something else which needed a separeate logging facility and I was not ready to invest time into the various pitfalls of the old logger design. Just look at the Logger Factory – it is much too complex. Currently, there is no good balance between having too few logs in general or being flooded with mostly useless details of all the different aspects of horde. Filtering is essential, but the data cannot easily be divided into the contexts that are relevant to different problems and tasks.


My main goal was simple: Consuming code should be able to give the Logger more context about the messages it sends. This can be helpful to sort out what is interesting and what is just distracting noise. For example, a logger-aware library or application may send markers along with the actual message. All messages go to the same logger, but different log handlers may be set up to only care about certain aspects. Want to write all caldav sync errors for a specific user to a separate file? Want to keep a separate log of failed login attempts? Want to forward your time tracking application’s “project closed” log events to an external json-consuming system? Even though the old logger had all the necessary parts, it made these tasks too difficult.

As a product, the new logger is not very interesting outside the Horde context. While it can be used for logging in PSR-3 aware libraries, it still has too many dependencies on other parts of the Horde ecosystem. To reduce this, I may factor out the Constraints log filter into a separate library. The opposite case is more interesting: If PSR-3 replaces tight coupling to a custom logger, projects may use their existing logger. They have one less alien dependency to deal with. This might make some libraries more attractive, like Horde/Activesync or Horde/Imap.

From a code quality perspective, I also wanted to make the code more transparent to readers and tools. The old implementation relied on a __call magic method without really needing it, multiple parts relied on tersely documented array structures. The new implementation passes PHPStan Level 8. Coverage with parameter and return type hints is very high, with native property and return types following where possible. The current implementation is based on version 1.1.4 of the standard. When moving to a PHP 8 minimum requirement, this can be upgraded to the more strictly typed version 3.0 standard.

However, I am still missing unit tests against the new code. As it is substantially different from the H5 implementation, I could not easily adapt the existing test cases. This will require more work.

Also, integration of the new Logger into the core system is a separate task. Old and new logger infrastructure will have to coexist for some time. There is simply too much code that needs to be touched.


The logger is architected as a modular system. The consuming code only has to deal with the Horde\Log\Logger. It implements the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. The logger can support custom log levels not covered by RFC 5424. Log Levels are implemented as objects with a string name and a criticality number value.

The PSR-3 standard mandates log messages may be strings or any object that can be turned into a string. Internally, we convert them into LogMessage objects containing the string message, a reference to the LogLevel object and a hash of context attributes.

LogFilters are gatekeepers which look into a LogMessage and decide if it may be logged. They can be used as global LogFilters to suppress a log message altogether or as local filters which only affect a certain log handler. The Logger may include many different LogHandlers. These implement the actual processing of logs, writing them to a file, to a local syslog program or sending them over the network. Log messages may further be formatted for different needs. One handler may want to send XML documents to another server, another handler may store plaintext in a structured file. PSR-3 proposes a templating format where the logger can fill placeholders in the message with data from the context array. In Horde/Log, this job is done by a series of LogFormatters. Depending on configuration, a LogHandler can have zero, one or many such LogFormatters. Not all combinations make sense.

PHP 8 readiness

The new code is ready to run on PHP 7.4 and PHP 8. However, the horde/constraint and horde/thrift dependencies have not yet been upgraded for PHP 8, limiting usefulness. This will be done as time permits, with many other topics having higher priority.


bookmark_borderOctober Review: TOTP in Horde

I have been working on multiple things recently.

Kronolith Web UI: Appointment Cancellation Bug

Fix an annoying bug where internal user attendees get cancellation mails when an appointment is updated by the owner. This only seems to happen from the Web UI, not from CalDAV. I already analysed how this is happening. The fix is going to be a little bigger as I do not want to invest in the legacy infrastructure (socalled “Imples”) and use the opportunity to use a more modern approach. Work is in progress.

New Material UI based frontend for passwd.

I have worked with the team on a Material Design based UI. It uses ReactJs and Typescript and the new horde/http_server library and it is very different from existing Horde UIs. Do not expect it to blend well with the existing horde look&feel. The whole thing is a proof of concept and is an alien as the DIMP UI was back in Horde 3. This proof of concept still lives in a public feature branch and if you want to try it, you need to enable a new setting in the Preferences Screen.

Two-Factor support in Horde Base and a TOTP library

More and more online services start using two-factor authentication for improved security. Along with a password, users have to enter some passcode they read from a keychain fob device or from an app on their phones (like Google Authenticator).

I have started a new library horde/otp which implements TOTP and other styles of passcodes used as a secondary authentication factor. The library needs some additional glue code in horde/core and horde/base which still has to be built. I would have liked to finish this in October but there is only so much time.

Improved horde-installer-plugin

The composer plugin for Horde has received some refactoring and enhancements. The current feature branch offers a custom command in the composer CLI . This custom command rebuilds the relevant configuration files when you move your Horde installation after running the install/update commands. There are also some minor changes to the way configurations are written. End users should not notice.

DNS library

B1 Systems have finally opensourced a DNS library for the Horde ecosystem. It has been used internally for some years. The library can serve as the DNS building block of an IPAM system, but it also has an adapter to apply changes to the Amazon Route 53 service.

PHPStan support

Beginning this month, libraries and apps will gradually introduce the static analyzer tool phpstan. The tool will run as part of the CI pipeline and detect various types of code imperfections which potentially can mean hard-to-detect bugs. The findings will be addressed as time permits.