bookmark_borderPHP 5.5 to ship a byte cache soon? Zend Optimizer+ going opensource and into main PHP project

In a recent discussion among php core developers, Zeev Suraski of Zend Technologies offered to open source their proprietary byte cache “Zend Optimizer+”. The main objective is to get a bytecode cache into the PHP distribution and finally into the core. There is a lot of discussion if the 5.5 release should be delayed by two months to include the open-sourced Optimizer+. Some advocate that PHP 5.5 should stick to its original release schedule and Optimizer should go into the master instead, eventually becoming PHP 5.6 : While there is strong support for getting a byte code cache into PHP Core, some are questioning why the project’s native cache extensions “APC” is not the preferred option. PHP Leader Rasmus Lerdorf says ”

You also have to take into account that most sites can’t actually move
to the next release of PHP until APC is stable with it. So effectively
the PHP 5.4 release didn’t happen until APC 3.1.13 in September 2012
which was a full 6 months after PHP 5.4.0. I don’t foresee this getting
any better for PHP 5.5.

In order for PHP releases to actually mean something this is a problem
we have to fix. I honestly don’t care which opcode cache implementation
we base a core version on, what I care about is developer buy-in. Dmitry
and Stas being familiar with the code already outnumbers the number of
active core devs working on APC today.

I understand some of the skepticism and hurt feelings around this from a
few old-timers, but let’s move on and see if we can finally push out a
release with solid opcode caching right at the release date. From my
perspective anything up to a 6-month delay would beat the current situation.

The APC would then be reduced to a userspace data cache. For Optimizer+ to get into the core, some cleanup and compatibility with ZTS (Thread Safety) needs to be achieved. Traditionally, Zend products only run in PHP’s non-threadsafe mode.

bookmark_borderThey’re taking the Horde to Debian, to Debian!

Now that Horde Groupware 5 has been released as stable software, a lot of users noticed the shortcomings of the PEAR packaging systems. It does not provide an easy and smooth way to upgrade Horde 4 to the latest bugfix version anymore. If you run Horde 4 apps that have not been ported for Horde 5 yet, you need to be very cautious which pear commands you run. A simple pear upgrade -c horde would break your existing installation because it would upgrade everything to the most recent major version. This is not desirable for production systems. Distribution packaging is the solution to this. Receive only compatible upgrades until you decide to do a major upgrade.

Distribution packages of Horde 5 are available for openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from the isv:B1-Systems:Horde5:rolling project.

These packages include development snapshots of unreleased applications like Passwd for Horde 5. They have been modified to fit into the distribution specific standard directories, install regular jobs the distribution way etc. For example, the distribution apps don’t have separate .htaccess files but provide a ready-to-run apache2 vhost config.

Under debian however, nobody stepped up to help the main debian horde packager, Mathieu Parent, to finish the Horde 5 packages in time. This means, the next stable Debian release will probably not include Horde 5.

I have talked to Mathieu and built a patch for the Open Build Service which facilitates PEAR packaging for debian targets.

You can see the progress of debian packaging by adding the Debian repository of the project to your /etc/apt/sources.list file

cd /root/
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key add Release.key
apt-get update

As of today, the repository only contains php-horde-autoloader but it I aim to fill it with all ~ 100 Horde pear packages (minus the bundles).

If you need business critical, supported Horde 4 or Horde 5 packages for openSUSE/SLES, Redhat/CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu or special architectures like ARM or Itanium, don’t wait for community action but ask for a commercial solution.

bookmark_borderHeads Up: PHP deprecates mysql extension in 5.5.

In a recent developer vote, the php project decided to deprecate the mysql extension in PHP 5.5 and finally remove it from the main PHP project. It may or may not be available for a longer period as a PECL extension.

The mysql extension has long been superseded by two more powerful extensions, PDO/Mysql and mysqli (improved). For years, the older extension has not received any new features and the developers kept it around just to keep compatibility with old code. Framework and application developers are now urged to update their code to use one of the alternative mysql APIs. There are a lot of old code snippets and tutorials around which describe the old API. Eventually, this code will begin to throw warnings and finally stop to work.

Developers discussed the impact of this move on end users. While it might be shocking to see hordes of old installations break just because the hoster updates his PHP version, there is no need to panic. Most hosters have not clenbuterol hydroklorid clen kjope even upgraded to the recent PHP 5.4 release and it might be years to go until PHP 5.6 finally hits enterprise distributions like SLES or RHEL. Additionally, distributors and hosters might opt to provide the PECL version of the mysql extension for backward compatibility. There is enough time left for developers and end users to react on the coming change.

More on the deprecation vote

bookmark_borderNo Bullshit #1: Apache vhost config AllowOverride All does not activate mod_rewrite

This is beginner’s talk, but I have seen it too many times anyway.

A lot of tutorials on the web claim that you have to state “AllowOverride All” in an apache config and it magically activates mod_rewrite somehow.

This is all bullshit. Your mileage may vary, you may be lucky on debianish systems. It’s not very secure anyway.

Here’s what you do instead:best acquistare dianabol 25 mg online in italia


yourserver:# /etc/apache2/conf.d # a2enmod rewrite
yourserver:# /etc/apache2/conf.d # vim /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/
<VirtualHost *>
 DocumentRoot /srv/www/
 <Directory /srv/www/>
  Options +FollowSymlinks
  RewriteEngine On
  ## put your rewriting-related .htaccess file content here, for example wordpress
  RewriteBase /
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
  ## end put stuff here
  ## ... more vhost stuff to follow

  ## finally
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
 yourserver:# rcapache2 reload


yourserver:~# /etc/apache2/conf.d # a2enmod rewrite
yourserver:~# vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/ 
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/
        <Directory />

                Options FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride None
        <Directory /var/www/>
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
</IfModule>                Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all
     ## more debianish vhost stuff
     ## ...
     ## finally
yourserver:/etc/apache2/conf.d # a2ensite
yourserver:/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Here’s the explanation why:

AllowOverride allows a special hidden file .htaccess in any directory of your vhost to override settings from your apache vhost configs, especially security-related stuff like URL rewriting and symlink behaviour. This is fine for your hacky development setup but you do not want this in production. First, it’s slow because every lookup has to check for a .htaccess file and parse it if present. Second, it’s a hassle to debug once something screws up. Something will screw up at some point. Usually you are better off configuring your vhost properly.

Why does it work on debian?

Debian systems often have mod_rewrite enabled (loaded) but not active (working) in the default config. Allowing .htaccess files to magically activate them will work in many cases and provide a confusing problem for the rest.

Why doesn’t it work on openSUSE 12 and SLES 11??

SLES is optimized for enterprise environments where security counts. If you don’t enable overriding, it’s usually turned off. If you don’t enable mod_rewrite globally or for the site, it won’t magically be loaded later on. This leads to more tedious work but also a more predictable environment for admins under fire.

Stop confusing people. Tell them how to do it right and make them understand why it works. It will spare you trouble.

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bookmark_borderjappix needs php-mbstring and will fail on SLES11

jappix is a fine piece of xmpp (jabber) based community building software.
Sadly, its installer needs php-mbstring (for SLES 11 SP2, this is php5-mbstring or php53-mbstring depending on your php choice). Sadly, it hides any error messages before requiring this crucial library. You will never know until you investigate closely.

Or as some person on the web paraphrased in German: was meinst du mit testsuite?
Software should not behave that way. Test suites and installers like jappix’ setup.php should know how to handle missing dependencies and show them to users.

Debian is not affected. By luck or purpose, debian ships mbstring with the basic php package.

bookmark_borderHorde 5 enters release cycle – First Alpha of Sesha Inventory App available

All’s well that ends well. During the last few days, the first alpha releases of the Horde Framework and some of its core apps hit the announcement list. Horde 5 sports a completely revamped user interface which allows a much tighter integration of the portal dashboard, ajax mode applications like the IMP Webmailer or traditional mode applications (whups ticketing etc).

Horde 5 has a completely renewed user interface (Image shows the IMP 6 webmailer)

While IMP, turba and the Ingo Mailfilter are already available as alpha packages, the calendar (kronolith) is not yet done.

However, today Horde release the first alpha version of the sesha inventory app. I have been working on sesha and related packages since horde 4, but things dragged on.

Sesha allows to organize any kind of items in a searchable inventory. First you have to define properties like age, weight, length or location of an item.

A defined group of properties makes up a category, something like an inventory type: Books, DVDs, network interfaces or computer monitors all have very different sets of properties. With sesha, there is no limit on the things you can put into your catalog. Just create categories of properties and finally add stock.

Sesha has been released under the GNU General Public License and may be used free of charge.

bookmark_borderHorde 5 Preview: Sesha Inventory App 1.0 and updated Rdo library

Dear folks, I am very pleased to announce:
The Sesha Inventory application is ready for Horde 5 and it is in good shape. Sesha is a simple inventory keeping application which originally developed by Bo Daley and Andrew Coleman on Horde 3. The product was never officially released but it went into production at several sites. Sesha release cycle can now start together with the Horde 5 Alpha release cycle.

Sesha inventory can be configured to hold any number of stock categories with any number and type of attributes.
Like the original version, Sesha for Horde 5 can provide its stock categories as ticket queues for the horde ticketing application whups.
There are a lot of plans and ideas for upcoming versions but for this time the focus was on finishing a releasable product.There are no surprises for existing users of Horde 3 based sesha. Most work happened invisibly under the hood:

  • The Horde_Template library was exchanged by new Horde_View code
  • A migration script for database was added
  • Users can keep their original Horde 3 Sesha tables and data.
  • The sql backend driver was completely reworked into a driver based on the Horde_Rdo ORM library The new Driver Api provides enhanced search capabilities but the current frontend doesn’t make use of it. I do not plan to add any features to the classic view but start working on an Ajax view once the Horde 5 Redesign is completed. This may ship with Sesha 1.1 later on.
  • Object oriented code has replaced complicated hashes in many places

The Horde Rdo library is the new work horse inside Sesha. Rdo means Rampage Data Objects and is a lightweight ORM layer by Horde founder Chuck Hagenbuch. It maps database tables to PHP Objects. This is similar to the ActiveRecord pattern. Each database row can be turned into one Rdo item. For Sesha and another – non-public – software project, some enhancements went into the Rdo library for Horde 5:

  • Rdo now provides a caching factory or root object which speeds up creation of mapper objects
  • Methods for add, removing or checking many-to-many relations have been added
  • A number of edge case bugs have been fixed

I think the Horde 5 release cycle will start with alpha1 releases sometime in May. I know we’re a little late but it’s worth the wait.
That said, I welcome any early testing or updates of the language files. Provided everything works as expected, Sesha will be shipped with Horde 5 for OpenSUSE 12.2

bookmark_borderHeads up: OBS SLES 11 PHP stuff migrates to SP2! – server:php:applications/SLE11 repository

Companies maintaining production servers often have a desire for stable, long-living Operating System and Software distributions. The idea is that once set up, things should not break and major upgrades should only be needed in long intervals and at points in time which best suit business operation. In the SUSE family of operating systems, openSUSE is the young and adventurous (fast-paced, community driven) branch while the SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE Server and SLE Desktop) crowd is a stable, paid-for building block you can depend your mission critical data on. Enterprise platforms have a certain drawback: To maintain stability, they don’t ship the latest-greatest software packages and they try to stick to a certain set of core options and extensions.

For PHP Software, the Open Buildservice server:php:applications repository is one of the primary sources for up to date versions of software like PHPUnit, phpmyadmin, Horde Groupware or wordpress. While it is acceptable and desirable to have a stable and well-maintained (though old) version of apache or mysql, you don’t want to sit on an aged version of web applications or libraries and frameworks for developers.

Today, this repository switched to build against the new SLE11 SP2 code base. SLE11 comes with two PHP options: The php5-* packages which ship PHP 5.2 and the php53-* packages which ship PHP 5.3
Currently, some packages will not build as they require “php-{something}” which is provided by multiple packages. We are working on resolving this.

The switch was needed because more and more packages rely on a more recent version of PEAR or PHP 5.3 features which simply cannot be provided in Service Pack 1 installations without adding extra repositories like server:php and server:php:extensions (unsupported, recent PHP 5.3 built against SLE11).

Please keep in mind that software from OBS is generally not supported by your SLE license.

bookmark_borderPHP goes git

Today the main PHP development branch has moved to the git version control system. In the past, PHP has been developed on cvs and svn. The move to git is very common Bodybuilding toepassingen these days. Git is, for example, the version control system used by the linux kernel developers and the Horde Application Framework.

PHP uses the github infrastructure for the public repository, which currently holds 52 branches. It will be interesting to see how they will convert their commit email script to git.

The public PHP git repository is available under

bookmark_borderphp5.3 packages in SLES 11 SP2

SLES 11 SP2 ships php5.3 binaries but the default package php5 still installs php5.2 which already has reached upstream end of life and should be considered unsupported by any means. Recent versions of phpunit and other developer tools won’t provide all features on php5.2 any more.
You must use apache2-mod_php53, php53, php53-mysql and so on if you want to use php on SLES.

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