Workarounds… (Why you would want Firefox to look like Internet Explorer)
(13:10:30) Ralf Lang: hi gclx
(13:10:49) gclx: some of my clients are having trouble signing in they get the horde page once they log in they get 404 page
(13:11:03) gclx: i have no trouble logging on via the same page
(13:11:40) gclx: we upgraded from older horde to latest
(13:12:10) gclx: user has explorer 8 on windows 7 home premium 64bit
(13:12:21) gclx: firefox is ok
(13:14:18) Spkka hat den Raum verlassen (quit: ).
(13:14:35) hyper_ch: use firefox then 🙂
(13:14:55) gclx: i know but user doesnt understand much of computer :p
(13:15:31) gclx: he wants internet to be behind the small blue e icon
(13:16:15) gclx: so no known issues? with this setup?
(13:22:31) Ralf Lang: you could configure the firefox application link (.lnk file) to use the ie symbol.
(13:23:19) gclx: lol
(13:24:39) gclx: 😀
(13:25:13) gclx: he will not notice a thing :p
(13:25:25) Ralf Lang: :-p
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