bookmark_borderHorde Configuration: How to move passwd app into settings menu

The passwd app is a password management/changing utility for Horde which normally lives in a menu “my account” in the toolbar.

While it has been released and is in production use at many sites, it is also under development to expand and improve the module.Bankdrukken training + kogelvrije schouders bouwen – Lee Hayward’s totale fitness bodybuilding drostanolone kratom-effecten op fitness, pre-workout en bodybuilding.

Passwd provides fairly complete support for changing passwords via Poppassd, LDAP, Unix expect scripts, SMB/CIFS (under unix), Kolab, ADSI, Pine, Serv-U FTP, VMailMgr, vpopmail, SQL passwords and other more complicated setups.For a certain horde 5 installation, I needed to move the passwd app under the gearwheel/settings menu and out of the toolbar. After setting up passwd to work correctly, I added only one line to the registry.local.php file:

$this->applications['passwd']['menu_parent'] = 'settings';

Everything you put into the menu labelled “settings” automatically appears in the gearwheel menu.

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